Baby's first portrait in amazing detail!

Minnesota Women's Care offers one of the most incredible advances in ultrasound technology: The 3D/4D Ultrasound. This allows you to see your baby with unbelievable clarity.

What is 3D or 4D Ultrasound?

The ultrasounds we've all seen in the past are 2D - shown in two dimensions. Often these are blurry, black and white images that only an ultrasound technologist could love. To the trained eye, they provided good information. To the prospective mom ... not so much. They were created using very high frequency sound waves and used primarily for diagnostics.

The NEW 3D Ultrasound provides a clear three-dimensional image of the baby in utero. When this technology is used to show movement - the 4th dimension - it's called 4D Ultrasound.

Both 3D and 4D Ultrasounds are performed using the same safe sound-wave technology that's been in place for many years. Technological advances now allow us to get more detail and to control the lighting. Rather than a snap shot, we also have the ability to record video.

Can you do a video of the baby?

Yes! 4D Ultrasound shows movement. Here's a perfect example of a video from Minnesota Women's Care:

Here's a video of a baby yawning:

When is the best time to have a 3D/4D Ultrasound?

Any time after the end of the first trimester is fine, but the clearest images of the baby's features are normally obtained between 24 and 32 weeks. In addition to gestational age, the quality of the 3D/4D image can vary depending on the position of the baby in the womb and the level of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. Here are examples of 3D ultrasound at various gestational ages.

First trimester:

First Trimester: Twins

Third Trimester: 28 Weeks

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How to get a 4D Ultrasound

The 4D Ultrasound is standard for all obstetric patients at Minnesota Women's Care. As a patient, you receive a 4D image with your routine anatomy scan. If a full session or more sessions are wanted, we provide the packages shown below. If you are not a patient at Minnesota Women's Care and would like 4D Ultrasound, these packages are also available to you. Just call our office to make an appointment.

Ultrasound Packages

The Little Peanut Package - 4D Ultrasound
Any time during pregnancy
One 20 minute session
Includes text or email of images to device of your choosing.
(Minnesota Women's Care patients receive this at a substantially reduced price.)

The Sweet Pea Package - 4D Ultrasound
Any time during pregnancy
One 30 minute session
Includes (2) black and white printed photos
Includes text or email of images to device of your choosing.

“Seeing Double” Package - 4D Ultrasound
2 ultrasounds at any time during pregnancy
Two different 30 minute sessions
Includes (2) black and white printed photos per session
Includes text or email of images to device of your choosing.

The Bundle of Joy Package - 4D Ultrasound
3 ultrasounds at any time during pregnancy
Three different 30 minute sessions
Includes (2) black and white printed photos per sessions
Includes text or email of images to device of your choosing.

Questions? Please call and talk with us. Our pregnancy care team includes experienced nurse practitioners, nurse midwives and physicians. We welcome new patients and transfers at any gestational age.

What our moms say:

I had a wonderful experience under the care of Sara Brown for the birth of my third child. Her calm, kind demeanor and patient presence made me feel relaxed and safe throughout my labor and delivery, and helped me have a successful unmedicated VBAC. I received excellent care before, during and after delivery. I am thankful to have found Sara Brown!
Patient - Emily